Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The "Skinny" and the Pantry Cleanse

So, here's the deal. Let's take this one day at a time...starting with learning the basics and moving on from there. After all, what's the rush, we have the rest of our healthy lives and there is no point in jumping in blind, which in my case has eventually led right back to the unclean life all over again.

The Skinny

My girl Tosca Reno, author of The Eat-Clean Diet, so brilliantly says, "Look at it this way. If 80 percent of your body comes from nutrition and you eat 365 days a year, then you might as well know how to do it right!"

It would be helpful in knowing what exactly is "clean" and what is not, so here's the Skinny, according to the book:

  • Eat 5 to 6 small meals a day.
  • Eat every 2 to 3 hours.
  • Combine lean protein and complex carbs, whole grains and fruits and veggies, at every meal. (Eat a palm size of both with each meal, that is approximately a 4-5 oz. portion)
  • Drink at least 2 liters, or 8 cups, of water each day.
  • Never miss a meal, especially breakfast.
  • Carry a cooler loaded with Eat-Clean foods to get through the day if you are not going to be home.
  • Avoid all over-processed, refined foods, especially white flour and sugar.
  • Avoid saturated and trans fats.
  • Avoid sugar-loaded colas and juices.
  • Consume adequate healthy fats (EFA's, essential fatty acids) each day. (This means oils such as olive, flaxseed, grapeseed, pumpkin, and fish oil.)
  • Avoid alcohol- another form of sugar.
  • Avoid all calorie-dense foods that contain little or no nutritional value.
  • Depend on fresh fruits and veggies for fiber, vitamins, and enzymes. (I will still be taking my vitamins though)
  • Stick to proper portion sizes - NO MORE upsizing!
Do you have the red mark on your forehead like I do from the multiple Duh moments? The sad thing is, I already know most of this and yet I just have not given myself the chance to change.

Doesn't it seem so easy? Haven't I already known all of this? Plain and simple truth is, Yep! I have refused to listen and have just looked the other way, well no longer, I am refusing not to listen and I will stare this new, beautiful lifestyle in the face.

Please Note: By no means am I dishing all the contents of the book on here, there is just too much to cover and I highly recommend purchasing Tosca's amazing books, they will certainly help change your life. You can view everything she has to offer at

The Pantry Cleanse

What's the point in keeping the unclean foods in my pantry? Not only will I be benefiting from this, but my husband will as well and that is a great gift to give him, whether he sees it as a form of torture now or not. It's not always going to be easy, but he will appreciate the determination, especially when he sees the difference in himself. Don't get me wrong, I love him exactly the way he is, but the healthier we both are, the more active parents we will be to our future children and the better chances of us being able to live out our dream of growing old together!

Something quite valuable that I learned this past weekend from my dear cousin is that one teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4.2 grams! That's insane, especially considering what we as a nation consume daily, such as sodas and sweets. Sugar intake is especially important to me due to my family's background of diabetes. I WILL take charge right now and better my chances of not developing the disease!

And now to tackle my pantry and goes!

Here are some of the items that I literally just threw in the garbage:

  • Box of Slim Fast bars - there is approx. 2.38 tsp of sugar in one bar!
  • Box of Special K Bars- approx. 3.57 tsp of sugar in one
  • Box of Pop Tarts - approx. 3.8 tsp of sugar in one pop tart, not one package
  • 1 liter of Coke that Cory so loves with his Jack - approx. 28.5 tsp in the bottle
And are you ready for this, this made my jaw literally hit the counter and I am sure I have a bruise on my chin now....
  • A bag of individually wrapped Rolos - approx. 303 tsp of sugar in that bag! Um, yeah, Buh Bye!!!
These are just a few of the items that are no longer in my home, I have just rid of their evils! At first I had my reservations because hey, I paid money for all these items. It helps knowing that the items that were not opened, very few items I might add, I can donate to our local food bank.

Off to the grocery store for me now. I will be staying on the outer ring of the grocery store, the inner aisles is where the evils lurk! :)

Oh and one more thing! The word scale is just another "S" word that I will not be using. Why do we measure ourselves by the number on the scale and not how we feel? My own personal progress will be measured by my old pair of favorite jeans that have been callin' my name and by the inches that I will be losing. Hasta La Vista Scale!


  1. Great information!! I feel excited...but also nervous it will be one more thing that I don't stick with.

    I don't think I will be allowed to throw out all the bad stuff in the house because Josh is a firm believer that he can eat whatever he wants as long as it's in moderation and he exercises his butt off so.... I may sneak a few of the items in the trash but for the most part will have to use restraint.

    How do we feel about diet soda's? No sugar but about as far from natural as you can get... Major weakness of mine.

    Combine lean protein and complex carbs, whole grains and fruits and veggies, at every meal. (Eat a palm size of both with each meal, that is approximately a 4-5 oz. portion)

    ...above you say a palm size of both... do you mean each or are you just talking about the fruits and veggies?

    Am I asking too many questions yet?

    I've noticed since it has started warming up that I've been getting headaches, I think from dehydration so I've been trying to drink 10-12 glasses a also really helps with portion control when I drink 2 glasses before I question is this, though. I don't get as hungry when I manage to consume the amount of water I need to be so if it has been 2-3 hours and I technically need to eat according to this, but I'm not hungry, do I eat anyway?

    Are we going to be logging what we eat on here? lol, that would hold us accountable for sure!!!

  2. Ok, let's see how well I do at answering all your questions! :)

    1. I believe in moderation as well, but this is starting over and yes, as long as you work your butt off, then you should be able to "reward" yourself every once in a while. But I am creating this new lifestyle for myself because I unfortunately am not naturally like Josh. I need this start! :)

    2. Soda in general is not good for you. I gave up soda about 3 years ago, and I promise you, I thought I could not do it, but honestly, it now makes me sick. Truly sick to my stomach, my stomach treats it as the "poison" it sort of is. Starting out, just drink it in moderation. Going cold turkey rarely works!

    3. I was afraid of the lean protein and complex carbs not being clear enough. This means that you need to have a serving of lean protein and a serving of complex carbs, whether the carbs be veggies or fruit, since they are both complex carbs. You can combine the fruits and veggies to equal the serving of approx. 4-5 oz. :)

    4. You can never ask too many questions! ;)

    5. Break up the way you are drinking the water. Spread it out among the day as much as possible. The other thing is to remember, you aren't eating alot, it is more a medium size snack. Also, the best thing to do, is start out your day drinking 1 liter of water before you eat anything. This is a great way to flush out your system to start the day out right, digestive wise anyway! Try your best to eat the meals through out the day, just do the best you can and at the end of the day, if you gave it your all, there is nothing to be disappointed with.

    5. I would love to have you log on here what you eat and how/when you exercise. It will help me also, knowing what you are eating and we can help eachother not be bored with the amazing foods that are avaiable to us.

    Like I said before, I am following the guidelines of Tosca, and she is amazing. I have to believe in myself and know that I can feel better physically and mentally. I will do my best! That's all that I can do, my best! :)

    Thanks for joining me and following along!

  3. You answered the questions perfectly!!

    1. I'm not like Josh either, hopefully I can stay away from what we already have in the kitchen. There isn't anything too too bad anyway.

    2. As long as I don't keep soda in the house than I don't drink a lot of it...but it's bad when I buy it for the house!!!! I'll have to stop doing that. Hopefully it will make me sick if I can stay away from it for a long enough time.

    3. Carb and protein makes sense to me now! Thank you.

    5. I will try and space the water out more. I find I do better if every couple hours I drink a glass or two, for some reason if I don't drink it all at once and just sip on my glass or bottle I end up not drinking it. A liter first thing?? Holy cow!! I will start doing that too, sounds like a good idea.

    6. Ok! I will log everything I eat and when I exercise. Feel free to tell me the bad things, there may be certain things I eat that I think are healthy but actually aren't.

    Thanks for answering my questions and letting me do this with you!

  4. I am very excited for both of us! Let's do this! :)
